Monday, July 18, 2011

Interfacing the LS20031 GPS Receiver

This system currently gets GPS data from an LS20031 GPS receiver, interfaced to the Olimex I2C client. In order to configure the GPS, it is convenient to use the MiniGPS software available on the SparkFun site for this product.

Here is a configuration arrangement where a CP2102 USB converter is used for communication to the PC running MiniGPS, as well as a 3.3 V power supply to the GPS.

The MiniGPS software has been used to configure the $GPRMC NMEA 0183 sentence at a baud rate of 9600, with an update rate of 5 Hz, and WAAS enabled ( I am currently using an older 5 Hz LS20031 version, soon to be replaced by the 10 Hz one).

Here is the format of the output sentence:
where the 6 numbers to be extracted are highlighted. The latitude and longitude are each read as 2 integer values to avoid rounding errors here, followed by the SOG and COG floating point values.

WARNING: the onboard battery will keep the configuration up to several weeks if the GPS is not powered during this time, and will then revert to the default configuration with a 57600 baud rate. After a winter season on the dry, the configuration step has to be repeated.
Once configured, here is how the GPS is interfaced to the microcontroller, using a logic level converter to step up the NMEA output from 3.3 to 5 V. This is a good illustration of the kind of punishment you deserve when you mix 3.3 V sensors with 5 V microprocessors.

Here is the part of the code used by the Olimex microprocessor to parse the NMEA data from the GPS.
unsigned static char buf0[500];
volatile unsigned char temprec0;
volatile unsigned char idx0 = 0;
typedef union
   unsigned char messageBuf[36];
      double heading;   // magnetic heading from gyrocompass
      double heel;   // heel angle from gryrocompass
      double pitch;   // pitch angle from gyrocompass
      double rot;    // rate of turn from gyrocompass
      double cog;    // COG from GPS
      double sog;    // SOG from GPS
      int long1;    // longitude (1st part) from GPS
      int long2;    // longitude (2nd part) from GPS
      int lat1;    // latitude (1st part) from GPS
      int lat2;    // latitude (2nd part) from GPS
      double speed2;    // boat speed from port transducer
} package;

volatile package pack;

/* This interrupt routine is called each time a new character
   is received from the GPS NMEA stream. When the end of
   a NMEA sentence is detected (by the '\n' character), the
   complete sentence accumulated in the 'buf0[]' buffer is deciphered,
   the desired numbers are extracted and put in the 'pack' repository,
   that is used for the I2C transfer to the main controller.
   temprec0 = UDR0;
   if(temprec0 != '\n')
      buf0[idx0++] = temprec0;
     buf0[idx0] = '\0';
     idx0 = 0;
     if(buf0[0] == '$')
        // $GPRMC,180846.600,A,4659.9999,N,07059.9999,W,6.00,45.00,050210,,,D*77
        sscanf(&(buf0[20]), "%d", &pack.lat1);
        sscanf(&(buf0[25]), "%d", &pack.lat2);
        sscanf(&(buf0[33]), "%d", &pack.long1);
        sscanf(&(buf0[38]), "%d", &pack.long2);
        sscanf(&(buf0[45]), "%lf,%lf", &pack.sog, &pack.cog);
int main(void)
   /* USART0 */
   /* Set baud rate : 9600 @ 16MHz */
   UBRR0L = (unsigned char)(103);
   /* Enable receiver and interrupt on received characters */
   idx0 = 0;

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I2C Transfer between 2 microcontrollers

In this system, the Olimex board is programmed as an I2C client, and the main controller as an I2C master.

  I2C Client Side

The I2C client code is based on Atmel Application Note AVR311: “Using the TWI module as I2C slave”, and the corresponding Atmel files ‘TWI_Slave.h’ and ‘TWI_Slave.c’. These 2 files shall be included in the project and be part of the compilation. The following line of the ‘TWI_Slave.h’ file should however be changed from:
               #define TWI_BUFFER_SIZE 4
                #define TWI_BUFFER_SIZE 36

Here, we chose a very minimalist implementation where the I2C client is always addressed for reading by the master, never for writing. Each time the I2C client is addressed for reading, it expects that the master will always request a fixed number of 36 bytes.

With this minimal implementation, the required I2C client code is deceptively simple. It requires only the following lines, where ‘ens.messageBuf’ is the address of the first byte of the 36-byte buffer to transmit. The buffer is continually updated by the interrupt service routines of the GPS, the gyrocompass and one of the speed transducers.

#include "TWI_Slave.h"

int main(void)
   unsigned char TWI_slaveAddress;

   // Own TWI slave address
   TWI_slaveAddress = 0x10;

   // Initialise TWI module for slave operation.
   // Include address and/or enable General Call.
   TWI_Slave_Initialise( (unsigned char)((TWI_slaveAddress<<TWI_ADR_BITS)
      | (TRUE<<TWI_GEN_BIT) ));

   // Start the TWI transceiver to enable reseption of the first command

   // from the TWI Master.
   TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data((char*)(ens.messageBuf), 36);

      if (!TWI_Transceiver_Busy())
         TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data((char*)(ens.messageBuf), 36);

I2C Master Side

Here the code used by the Mavric-IIB master controller to read the I2C client buffer.

typedef union  //  this is the same data structure used by the client
   unsigned char messageBuf[36];
      double heading;
      double heel;
      double pitch;
      double rot;
      double cog;
      double sog;
      int long1;
      int long2;
      int lat1;
      int lat2;
      double speed2;
} package;

volatile package pack;

int main(void)
   /* set the I2C bit rate generator to 100 kb/s */
   TWSR &= ~0x03;
   TWBR  = 28;
   TWCR |= _BV(TWEN);


      // begin a new cycle
      // fetch the I2C client

      // I2C start
      TWCR = (_BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEN) | _BV(TWSTA));
      while(!(TWCR & _BV(TWINT)));

      // select Olimex client (I2C address 0x10) for reading
      TWDR = (0x10 << 1) + 1;
      TWCR = (_BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEN));
while(!(TWCR & _BV(TWINT)));

      // read the first 35 bytes, with acknowledge request
      for(i = 0; i < 35; i++)
         TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEN) | _BV(TWEA);
         while(!(TWCR & _BV(TWINT)));
         pack.messageBuf[i] = (unsigned char)TWDR;

      // read the last byte without acknowledge request
      TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEN);
      while(!(TWCR & _BV(TWINT)));
      pack.messageBuf[35] = (unsigned char)TWDR;

      // I2C stop
      TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEN)| _BV(TWSTO);
      while(TWCR & _BV(TWSTO));
      // wait for a timer signal to begin a new cycle


WARNING : this is a minimalist implementation of I2C for the ATMega128, without any error checking. If the I2C link between the master and the client is disconnected, the master will hang forever. This would not be acceptable in a commercial or distributable product, but the objective here was to keep the code as simple as possible.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Interfacing the Airmar H2183 Gyrocompass (Part 2)

Here is the part of the code used by the Olimex microcontroller to parse the gyrocompass NMEA data. The I2C transfer code (using Atmel "TWI_Slave.h") will be further documented in a future post.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "TWI_Slave.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <uart.h>
#include <math.h>

unsigned static char buf[500];
volatile unsigned char temprec;
volatile unsigned char idx = 0;
double theta_rad, dtheta_rad, deviation;


typedef union
  unsigned char messageBuf[36];

    double heading;   // magnetic heading from gyrocompass
    double heel;   // heel angle from gryrocompass
    double pitch;   // pitch angle from gyrocompass
    double rot;    // rate of turn from gyrocompass
    double cog;    // COG from GPS
    double sog;    // SOG from GPS
    int long1;    // longitude (1st part) from GPS
    int long2;    // longitude (2nd part) from GPS
    int lat1;    // latitude (1st part) from GPS
    int lat2;    // latitude (2nd part) from GPS
    double speed2;    // boat speed from port transducer

} package;

volatile package pack;

/* This interrupt routine is called each time a new character
   is received from the gyrocompass NMEA stream. When the end of
   a NMEA sentence is detected (by the '\n' character), the
   complete sentence accumulated in the 'buf[]' buffer is deciphered,
   the desired numbers are extracted and put in the 'pack' repository,
   that is used for the I2C transfer to the main controller.

  temprec = UDR1;
  if(temprec != '\n')
    buf[idx++] = temprec;
    buf[idx] = '\0';
    idx = 0;
    if(buf[0] == '$')
      if(buf[1] == 'H')
        sscanf(buf, "$HCHDG,%lf", &pack.heading);
        // calculate deviation

        theta_rad = pack.heading * 3.14159 / 180.0;
        dtheta_rad = theta_rad * 2.0;
        deviation = 4.103844 - 8.302381 * sin(theta_rad)
           + 15.92628 * cos(theta_rad)
           + 1.519511 * sin(dtheta_rad)
           + 2.346229 * cos(dtheta_rad);
        pack.heading -= deviation;
        if(pack.heading > 360.0)
          pack.heading -= 360.0;
        else if(pack.heading < 0.0)
          pack.heading += 360.0;
      else if(buf[1] == 'P')
        sscanf(buf, "$PFEC,GPatt,,%lf,%lf", &pack.pitch, &pack.heel);
      else if(buf[1] == 'T')
        sscanf(buf, "$TIROT,%lf", &pack.rot);

int main(void)
  unsigned char TWI_slaveAddress;

  /* USART1 */
  /* Set baud rate : 4800 @ 16MHz */
  UBRR1L = (unsigned char)(207);
  /* Enable receiver and interrupt on received characters */
  idx = 0;
  // Own TWI slave address
  TWI_slaveAddress = 0x10;

  // Initialise TWI module for slave operation.
  // Include address and/or enable General Call.
  TWI_Slave_Initialise((unsigned char)((TWI_slaveAddress << TWI_ADR_BITS)

  /* Start the TWI(I2C) transceiver to enable reception of the first
     command from the TWI(I2C) Master. This will be further documented
     in a future post on I2C transfer.
  TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data((char*)(pack.messageBuf), 36);
    if (!TWI_Transceiver_Busy())
      TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data((char*)(pack.messageBuf), 36);

Interfacing the Airmar H2183 Gyrocompass (Part 1)

In this system, the Olimex microcontroller is used to read the NMEA output from the gyrocompass and from the GPS. It is also programmed as an I2C client that the main controller interrogates ten times per second.

The system actually uses an Airmar H2183 gyrocompass to get heading, heel and pitch angles, and rate of turn values. This compass can provide both NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 outputs. Here we use the NMEA 0183 output which is a standard RS232 serial bus.

In order to configure and calibrate the compass, it is necessary to get a specific Airmar cable and USB converter in the following temporary arrangement.

The Airmar WeatherCaster software has been used to configure the following NMEA 0183 sentences:
               $HCHDG (at 5 Hz) for the magnetic heading
               $PFEC,GPatt (at 5 Hz) for the heel and pitch angles
               $TIROT (at 2 Hz) for the rate of turn.

For this selection of outputs, we are limited to 5 Hz by the 4800 baud NMEA 0183 bandwidth.

Here is the format of the output sentences:
               $HCHDG,55.6,0.0,E,,*1F     (magnetic heading : 55.6 deg)
               $PFEC,GPatt,,-8.7,+4.8*63   (pitch angle : -8.7 deg,  heel angle: 4.8 deg)¸
               $TIROT,4.3,A*3C   (rate of turn:  4.3 deg/min).

The WeatherCaster software has also an autocalibration routine, but it is almost necessary to use a custom calibration, as explained in a previous post:

Once configured, here is how the compass is interfaced to the microcontroller, using a Conxall CX-428-8-pin connector :

Here is the pin-out of the WS-C01 cable. On the microcontroller side of the cable, we need to provide +12 V to pin 2, ground pins 1 and 8, and connect pin 5 (A/+ OUT) to the receive pin of the DB9 connector of the Olimex board.

In part 2, I will post the microcontroller code used to parse the NMEA sentences.